Midterm 1 Analysis




The above graph includes the added 10 point curve.

We can see two major grouping of students in the 30 to 50 range and in the 60 to 70 range. 8 students scored above 100, to those who slayed the exam, congrats.


What is passing?

This is a difficult question as the formula is fairly flexible, all midterm 1 scores can be replaced with midterm 2, so it is still possible to score a perfect score, regardless of your performance on exam 1, but let's assume we're talking about averages.

Students need to achieve a 73 average in order to earn a C in this course.


Should your weighted exam average (35% * Better Midterm + 35% * Final) be below this, then you need to make up the points via the final project.

In previous semesters most project scores increase the respective students grades, but this is limited, due to the weight being set to 30%. When considering minimum grade needed to pass, the final project (if you score a 100) can only pull your final grade up by at most 11 points. (62 to a 73).

This however, hinges on your ability to write program using asynchronous techniques covered throughout this semester. Many people who scored in that range were not able to solve the programming question, and need to review the assessments and material.


Common Mistakes


Video Engagement Rate

OSI model has roughly 188 views with 30~40% retention rate.
Roughly 80/161 students watched the video to the end, if we assume no re-watches.



Asynchronous Programming has roughly 198 views with 20~30% retention rate.
Roughly 60/161 students watched the video to the end.




** There are a large body of students who engage with the material directly via Transcripts and Code, these students are not included in the above stats.


Actionable Items

If your score is:



Midterm 2

The next exam is cumulative, but emphasizes the new material. The new material especially observer pattern is hierarchical in nature, you need a mastery of callbacks before moving on to the observer pattern.

There will be one coding question on the observer pattern for Midterm 2.